Seniors! Don’t forget to send any scholarships you have received to Ms Kolar.
over 2 years ago, Kathryn Kolar
The 2022 Senior Class went to Main Event today to have a little fun during their final week of high school!
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
Preview of FCA day! FCA Day is underway! Car Bash, teachers in the dunk tank, and so much more! We will post a big photo gallery at the end of the day.
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
dunk tank
Good afternoon, A quick reminder tomorrow morning from 7:30-8:15 am we are hosting Goodies with Grownups in the old gym. All grade levels and families are welcome. Please enjoy the artwork from grades 1-4 that participated in the Art-Tech grant this year after you eat. Thank you, thank you, to PTO and community partners for providing the Starbucks coffee and treats for Teacher Appreciation this week. They were delicious and were eaten quickly! Dr. S
over 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Slothower
Don't forget about Pre-Enrollment only 35% of students have enrolled. This should be done by May 17th.
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
pre enrollment
Academic Banquet (Only Grades 8-12) Tuesday, May 10th The dinner line will begin at 6 pm, Banquet will start at 6:30 p.m. Johnny Carino's will be catered in. Tickets are on sale now $6 a ticket (can be purchased at the high school or admin office), $8 dollars at the door. Everyone is welcomed and tickets only need to be purchased if you plan on eating.
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
Good morning school community, Currently, the school is without power and this interrupts our phone system. If you have an urgent message, please message Kelly or Jessica, or communicate through your teacher’s class apps. We apologize for the inconvenience, and will update as we have further news. Dr. S
over 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Slothower
Union City held its second ever Tiger Olympics today. Congratulations to our winners!
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
tiger Olympics
tiger Olympics
tiger Olympics
tiger Olympics
Due to potential high winds this afternoon, the Tiger Olympics will be held in the old gym beginning at 1:45! See you there!
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
CHECK IT OUT! Coach Benge’s anatomy class is doing their pig dissection this week.
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
Do not forget about Pre-Enrollment!
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
PTO is excited to host Goodies with Grownups on May 6 7:30am-8:15am in the Old Gym. All grades are welcome to bring grownups.​​
over 2 years ago, Jan Swart
Goodies with Grownups
Good morning school community, Earlier this week we posted a playground workday for Saturday. The weather does have a chance of rain this evening and tomorrow, however, we would like to try to work for a few hours the playground is not too wet. Please contact Rick Brothers at 405-274-3944 if you are available even for a few hours. The target for Saturday is to finish setting the posts and mounting both large slides. Thank you for letting us know your schedules so we can plan accordingly. Dr. S
over 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Slothower
Our 1st Union City Speedfest Team will be attending their competition this weekend with the RC plane they built. Another part of the competition is the promotional video our students created. Please share this link with your students and let them know we really need their votes!!! A “like” to our video on YouTube is considered a vote for the Union City team! A BIG THANK YOU!
over 2 years ago, Kerri Griggs
Union City students and staff watching the Union City Tigers baseball squad take on OCA in districts! Go Tigers! ⚾️
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
Griggs room
Benge room
Schmidt’s room
The Tigers baseball team defeated Olive yesterday 15-5 in the first round of districts. They will travel back to Oklahoma Christian Academy today for a best of 3 series vs OCA. First pitch is at 10 AM for game 1. They will play Game 2 immediately after. If teams spit they will play game 3 on Friday night.
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
We are hosting another year of "Tiger Olympics" Special Olympics this year. Friday April 29th at 1:45 pm at Keely Park. We would love to have as much community support as possible, please feel welcome to come cheer on our athletes! We are also putting together gift bags for each Olympic Athlete, if you would like to contribute, please email Kasey Bosler:
over 2 years ago, Wensdae Armstrong
No Softball games today. JH baseball will be at Watonga beginning 4:30 for their final game of the season!
over 2 years ago, Union City Public Schools
Good afternoon school community, As last weekend was a holiday, we did not host another workday for the playground construction. Saturday, April 23rd will be the next opportunity to help as the progress has been laborious, but steady. We have had amazing workers from parents, students, and community friends. Please contact Rick Brothers at 405-274-3944 if you are available to help Saturday. Thank you so much! Dr. S
over 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Slothower
Union City Spring-2022 Testing Schedule GRADES 3-8 will begin testing Wednesday, April 20, 2022 with the following schedule: Wednesday, April 20 ELA Part I Thursday, April 21 ELA Part II Friday, April 22 ELA Writing 5th & 8th Grade only Monday, April 25th - individuals will be notified if they test this day Tuesday, April 26 Math Wednesday, April 27 Science 5th & 8th Grade Only Get plenty of rest, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early.
over 2 years ago, Jan Swart