
🌟Congratulations to Morgan Brothers for being inducted into the National Technical Honor Society! She is a 2nd year cosmetology student at Canadian Valley Technology Center.

🌱Miss Caitlin’s Kinder conquered Seed Survival today! 💚

🌱The "SEED TRAILER" is here at UC🌻
Here is our 6th graders during their Seed Survivor class this morning.

📺Here is the link to watch this week's UCTV! Hope you enjoy it!

🥎Waukomis HS Softball Tournament bracket🐾

🔴🟡🔵The Intermediate ART Class used Play-Doh during one of their color experiments. They used primary colors to get the secondary colors🟠🟢🟣

Follow up briefing on this mornings activities. Thrillshare communication app is character sensitive so lengthier messages must be attached as upload. Thank you for your understanding.






Thank you to everyone that has reached out to check on us at the school. We have required safety drills. We have an amazing police department that responded to our needs. We are all clear and students will return to their normal school day.

🛫Our 2 Speedfest teams have started cutting out their plane pieces and designing their team themes!

Name drop Coach Patterson's name and you get a picture with Noah Starkey after the OKC Blue game for Senior Day!

Our sweet 1st graders in their PJ's for "Read Across America Week"!

UC Weekly for March 10

Join us Monday, March 10th at 8:30 AM in the Old Gym, to cheer on our 4-H and FFA members as they compete at the Oklahoma Youth Expo over the next 2 weeks! Our students have worked hard on their Livestock and Ag Mechanics projects, let's make sure they know just how proud we are of them!