Welcome to Mrs. Bosler's Classroom
Spec Ed/Coach
This is my 3rd year teaching at Union City, and I’ve loved it! I am the Special Education Resource Lab and Elementary Basketball Coach. I always thought I wanted to be a History teacher, but I have found my true passion and calling in Special Education. Working with students from Kindergarten all the way through 12th grade means that my days are always interesting and I get to see how much kids change and learn from one year to the next. So so rewarding! I truly LOVE my job
I graduated from Minco in 2007, and from UCO in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts of History. I am certified to teach Special Education, Middle School History, High School History, PE, and Health/Safety. I have 2 sons, Rowdy (8) and Helios (3). Rowdy is a 3rd grader at Union City. In my free time (ha, what’s free time?) I’m usually at some practice or game, but I also enjoy reading, watching TV, and napping!