Welcome to Mrs. Jones's Classroom
Fourth Grade
Latest Updates:
We Are Wild About Fourth Grade! First Day Fun starts on August 11.
My Contact Information:
Email: c.jones@unioncity.k12.ok.us
ClassDojo- You can always message me through the app.
School Phone Number: (405) 483-5326
Teacher Biography
I received my BS from OSU.
I've been teaching for over 3 years.
I have three children, two dogs and one horse.
I have been married for 8 years. My husband graduated from Union City!
My favorite animal is a camel.
I love chocolate and iced coffee.
I have lived overseas, and all over the U.S.
I showed steers in high school.
I judge horse shows, and love riding horses.
My favorite thing about teaching is all of the fun, joy, excitment and relationship building we get to have as a class.
Classroom Information
We will be using ClassDojo for most of our communication. I will have quite hours from 5PM until 7AM, and on the weekends. I will try and respond ASAP.
You can also email me anytime, and I will respond within 24 hours during the school week, and on Mondays - if email is sent during the weekend.